The speech is of pleasing nature or sweet which lack hardnees, sarcasting, joking, critising, humiliating and talking on the back etc. The speech or talk shall be deliver peacefully and in simplicity.

Sankumar S
2 min readMar 4, 2021

Austerity of speech are in nature of non-provocative,truthful, pleasing, beneficial, and self-realisation of element of Divine, and regularly reciting. (Bhagavad-Gita: 17/15)

Human speech should not agitate, or provoke or irritate or disturb other’s mind in present or in future. Human speech shall be sober and sweet, easily acceptable, understandable and sensitive taking due care of the background of others.

The sharing of information or speech shall be free from own baise or personal feeling, interst and proud and based on as read, listened, watched and verified and to make others understand clearly.

The speech is of pleasing nature or sweet which lack hardnees, sarcasting, joking, critising, humiliating and talking on the back etc. The speech or talk shall be deliver peacefully and in simplicity.

The speech which is free from element of violance, jeolous, hate, and enmity etc., and inclusive of love, sampathy, forgiveness, gererous and good-will for own and others at present and in future also are considered as beneficial or protector of interest. The talk which is neither worldly-heavenly benificial for you nor others is nonsense. Do not criticise others, Do not accuse others. Do not speak which will hammer your spiritual progress.

To study regularly scriptures, rule of God, principle and character of God and accordingly appariase own status and of surrounding, thinking over it and meditation on it continuously is self-realisation. Reciting the hymns and name of Gods, rehearse to memorise them and speak publically.

This is like penance in one sense but in other sense it is austerity that you develop capability to talk effectively without fear and handling challanging situation in a exceptable way. One should quote from scriptural authority in support of his argument. Always remember Divine-God.

When a human is vulnerable to slightest provocation after meditation, then his meditation is of little use.

