The devotee thinks that one who is harming him is facilitating abolishing of his past sin and purification, so he should be grateful to him. The human who is receiving pain misery from other does not discriminate or hate with misery creator rather show kindness and sympathy, because receiver of pain misery is washing way his past sin on the contradictory the creator of pain and sadness is accumulating new sin. Therefore creator of sadness is subject of sympathy.

Sankumar S
3 min readNov 10, 2020


The devote who is free from affection-hate with all creatures, friend and sympathizer of all, free from affection, free from proud, even in experiencing happiness-sadness, forgiveness, ever satisfied , Yogi, has disciplined own body, strong determination, devoted to Me by mind and intelligence is My adored. (Bhagwat-Gita:12/13&14)

The true devotee never develop hate and affection with anyone whose function to whatever extend has worked against his body, mind, intelligence, nerves and principle etc., or even in his sincere effort of realization of element of Divine rather he consider existence of Divine in him and every creatures. He accepts all the adverse activity of one who has harmed him as a resolution of Divine-God. Devotee with slightly hate with anybody can not attain status of sustainable infinite Divine love. Due to divine consciousness devotee keep friendship and mercy in his behave with all creatures (Gita:5/29) and become kindhearted for all (Shremad-Bhagwat-Gita: 3/25/21).

The devotee thinks that one who is harming him is facilitating abolishing of his past sin and purification, so he should be grateful to him. The human who is receiving pain misery from other does not discriminate or hate with misery creator rather show kindness and sympathy, because receiver of pain misery is washing way his past sin on the contradictory the creator of pain and sadness is accumulating new sin. Therefore creator of sadness is subject of sympathy.

The affection with creatures develops My feeling or ego and further cause bonding with material world. The devotee shall make especial conscious effort to demolish affection with not only creatures, matters, situation and opportunity etc., but also with his body, mind and intelligence.

Bounding with body, nerves, status, power and material caused proud. Divine conscious devotee, abandoning material attachment experiences element of divine in his body yet he does not consider that element his own and remain totally unattached.

Favorable and unfavorable opportunity makes human happy and sad, and caused bonding. When devotee face favorable and unfavorable creature, matter, situation, event etc., according to his body, nerves, mind, principle, he acknowledge favorable and unfavorable but does not allow to develop abnormality of happy-sadness feeling internally in his mind.

The devotee does not retaliate to the criminal whatever harm he might have caused, he remain free from affection-hate and have sympathy because he know that according to law of religion there is affect of every cause.

The happiness derived from material world is mortal, and doesn’t provide permanent peace and solution, the desire of material-joy may induce human in sin also. Whereas divine peace attended through unattached deed is infinite and everlasting. Therefore after that devotee does not need anything, thus he is satisfied forever.

Awaken human who realize his sustainable relation with Divine-God is Yogi.

Awaken Devotee does not have affection-hate with material world therefore his nerve mind body are well disciplined, and his all function become example for others.

Ignorance human consider independent sovereignty of mortal world and develop relation with it , which create error in mind, surprisingly many time even knowingly that world is constantly changing mind consider it sustainable and caused error in human mind. The mind of awaken devotee does not acknowledge sovereignty of material world as independent and has completely faith upon Divine-God, therefore his mind is free from error.

Which is considered importance or lovely mind of human goes their automatically. When devotee strongly belief in Divine-God his mind is naturally focused there.

