Saint Bharat attended body of deer after rebirth due to great affection with deer at the time of death. The Saint Bharat exhibited special character in deer body, he prefered to stay away from mother and eating green leaves. He was eating only dry leaves. Divine consciouness of previous life was manifested in new life.
Attending death during increasing state of “Rajash- Gun” take rebirth as human having affection with deed and death at the time of increase of “Tamsh Gun” take rebirth as tree, animal, bird etc., lower species. (Bhagwat-Gita: 14/15)
Whatever reason greed, indulgement and disturbance etc, consciousness of Rajash- Gun had increased at the end of a human life, he depart from his body thinking those elements then after rebirth he is human who has affection with deed.
The human who has perform whole life unattached good deed free from affection-hate, however come under increased influence of “Rajash-Gun” during the time of death, even getting rebirth in human body his behaviour is good and even and is performer of good deeds. Who has simply spend his life and at the end of life is dominated by greed and indulgemnent characters of “Rajash-Gun”, after rebirth is human affection with object, human, function, etc. Human with nature of angry and material-joy while dying is dominated by “Rajash-Gun” after rebirth he is human with “Asuri” or materialsitic character. Thus, character of human from rebirth caused by “Rajash-Gun” of previous life are of different kind according to their entire life deeds. However, one thing is common that they have the capability or divine conscious to get liberation from birth-death cycle and attend Divine-God. The human through self study or participation in religious lecture shall increase own divine conscious and raise above the worldly life.
Human who has develop increased “Tamsh Gun” during the time of death he attend lower species life like tree, animal and bird etc. However, the human who had led good life and performed good deed but unfortunatelly fall under the increased influence of “Tamsh Gun” at the end and lost awaken consciousness and develop internally affection-hate, and even after attending low species in rebirth maintain good behaviour and function.
Saint Bharat attended body of deer after rebirth due to great affection with deer at the time of death. The Saint Bharat exhibited special character in deer body, he prefered to stay away from mother and eating green leaves. He was eating only dry leaves. Divine consciouness of previous life was manifested in new life.