One day a saint said to me: “Do not ask for anything to eat from any one, and do not accept money from any one, not even from your father.” But I said: “Suppose I do not get anything to eat and I die?” He said: “Then Die! Die to know that you live by the power of God and not by bread.”
Oh free from Sin! Satvik-Gun being clean is of lightning and free from abnormalities among three satvik-rajash-tamsh Gun. It bond soul with the proud of materialistic knowledge and happiness. (Bhagwat-Gita: 14/06)
Satvik-Gun in compare to Rajash-Gun and Tamsh-Gun is clean and free from abnormalities. Being clean and free from abnormalities Satvik-Gun is with enlightning power. Human with abundance Satvik-Gun is able to understood properly the sense of Rajash-Gun and Tamsh-Gun. Desire for material-joy, angry and gread, etc., abnormalities produces by Rajash-Gun and Tamsh-Gun are clearly identified and understood.
Increase in Satvik-Gun facilitate lightening of nerves-sense and consciouness and mind is relaxe, mind is awaken in understanding all subjects of worldly and heavenly, human is energise in performing duity.
Human in relation with strong Satvik-Gun easily attend devine counscious, they have sole objective of realisation of element of Divine. Though Human in relation with weak Satvik-Gun are material counscious,indulge in accumulation of material, material-joy but generally are better in compare to people driven by other “Gun”, these type of people may be in the field of discovery, research and leadership etc., bonded with ego, praise and status etc.
Satvik-Gun is not completely free from abnormalities, however it has been appriciated and called free from abnormalities because it has the potential to facilitate awakened human to realise element of Divine. It should ne noted that only soul-form human and Divine-God are completelly free from abnormalities.
When internal counscious is strongly driven by Satvik-Gun then human is free from bonding with nature and abnormalities, and attend sustainable peace and happiness. The Satvik-Gun driven human clearly acknowledge senses and abnormalities of satvik-rajash-tamsh Gun and develop union with Divine-God and attend infinite devine happiness and peace. By abadoning bonding with body and material he is free from sorrow, worry, gread and sin, and become part of Brahma and as a true son of Divine-God he enjoy whatever Divine-God posses.
{A saint’s wisdom
One day a saint said to me: “Do not ask for anything to eat from any one, and do not accept money from any one, not even from your father.” But I said: “Suppose I do not get anything to eat and I die?” He said: “Then Die! Die to know that you live by the power of God and not by bread.”
I shall recognize all disease as the result of my transgression against health laws and I shall try to undo the evil by following the right diet, eating less, by fasting, by exercising more and by right thinking.
-Yoganand- S.6_L.147 }