Nerves-mind are also rooted in nature, therefore eye-mind can not visualise or lighten element of Diven. Nerve- mind can only used to detached self from the bonding with body-nature. Creature is integral part of Divine-God and until it realises element of Divine his traveling in the trafic of birth-death cycle never ceases.

Sankumar S
2 min readJan 22, 2021

Neither Sun, nor Moon nor fire is able to lighten that element of Divine. And attending that creature does not return. The same is my divine-pilgrim-place . (Bhagwat-Gita: 15/06)

the undistroyable element of Divine is the divine-pilgrim-place which is integral part and human is also integral part of Divine-God, and every body has equal right to realise the element of Divine, after which he is liberated from birth-death cycle. .

According to the vision of world, Lord Sun is the brightest but that Lord Sun is incompetent in lightning the element of Divine. Divine-God in 15/12 has clarifyed that Lord Sun, Moon and fire are His energy they are enlighten by Him. Therefore Lord Sun has limitation in lightening own creatore the Divine-God, so how moon and fire who get light or energy from Lord Sun can lighten element of Divine. Divine-God is consciou enegy and Lord Sun, Moon and fire are rooted in nature.

Nerves-mind are also rooted in nature, therefore eye-mind can not visualise or lighten element of Diven. Nerve- mind can only used to detached self from the bonding with body-nature. Creature is integral part of Divine-God and until it realises element of Divine his traveling in the trafic of birth-death cycle never ceases.

Here Divine-pilgrim-place denote both pilgrim-place of Divine as well as Divine-God. This Divine-pilgrim has been refered in enlightened form and similar to Divine-God the Divine-place exist everywhare . Human is detached from Divine-place due to assumed relation with body-nature when the relation is abondoned and mind is wakened soul-form human is in completely in union with Divine-God and peace.

