If devotee follow honestly his responsibility towards Guru he attain element of Guru, he no more remain follower and detached self from material world. Responsibility of Guru is well-being of devotee or liberation of devotee if he lack in this then devotee is subject to slavery.
Lack of proud of superiority, lack of character of “Dam”, non-violence, forgiveness attitude, simple character, respectful service to “Guru”, external-internal purity, consistency and disciplined nerves-mind-body. (Bhagwat-Gita: 13/7)
“Amanitathwam” is lack of feeling of superiority or highly- respectful in human. Bonding with mortal body and nature create desire to be superior, regarded and influential on the basis of age, class or caste, qualification, intelligence, quality, position or post, etc., Self realization of element of Divine is not possible with the existence of desire of being superior, regarded and influential, further these deformity cause bonding with nature.
When devotee become big person feeling of superiority come. Therefore to avoid this devotee shall access association with great person who is unattached with the nature, and try to follow him, this will liberate devotee from many defect. According to great poet Tulsidas “ saint give respect to everyone but lack desire to get honor from others” (Manas: 7/37/2).
Every human have some specialty on the basis of age, class or caste, qualification, intelligence, quality, position or post, etc., Therefore devotee shall develop habit to give always honor , appreciation, kindness, hospitality etc., to others considering their specialty. This will diminish the desire of receiving honor and respect etc.
Chapter 16 suggest human shall lack fear (16/1) and honor consciousness ( 16/3) in path of devotion. When human consider Divine-God is everywhere, every time, and everything and take his shelter his fear ceases, he abandon his identity with body and material and his superiority consciousness ceases.
“Adambhithwam” is focusbazi or exaggerated self image, human project self for gaining respect, recognistion etc, some time even they project what they are not to gain false appreciation. Many time human get engaged in unwanted activities in party or function only to attract attention or value. Many evil minded person to draw attention get into charity, which is only eye wash and nature of “Adambhithwam”.
Devotee shall remain focus on self realistion of element of Divine without bothering attention, respect etc., this will automatically diminished consciousness of attraction.
“Ahinsa” non violence is nature of not creating pain or sad for anyone by act of mind, speech and body. A non violent person desist from harming any creature, nature or environment and organizing or sponsoring or supporting or approving any such act, in any reference, territory and time.
Human shall consider everyone as form of Divine-God,. Thus everyone are related to one another, and inculcates the feeling of seeing own happiness in happiness of all, well-being od own in well-being of all, service of own in servicer of all, he shall never consider self as separate from others., Such awakening will resist human in indulging in violent act harming other. He will always adopt non-violent approach for resolution of any problem.
Forgive is patience of human to crime committed against him by someone and he does not develop abnormality of hate against and is free from taking revenge feeling. Awakened devotees are unaffected from action against them. They simply know that no one can damage or harm their soul-form, and easily forgive others, considering them ignorant.
Devotee shall lead life of simplicity. They should not be rigid. Mind of simple person is free from jealous, hate and , deceive etc., and speech is free from mock, criticism, humiliation and talking against someone to others etc. Language of simple person is sweet, un-harmful and lovely.
Scripture inclusive services to Guru saint is devotion. Real service to Guru is not facilitating comfort, respect and care etc., rather following the principle and character of Guru. Devotee shall be extra cautious in selecting Guru. Guru shall be extraordinary with divine element, and know the various methods of worship. Whose association and speech clarify all doubts automatically without asking question. Who maintain relation only for the interest or mission of devotee. His all efforts are dedicated to facilitate devotee in realization of element of Divine. In his association all the abnormality of devotee ceases and devotee experience peace, happy and divine element. He does not expect any personal interest.
If devotee follow honestly his responsibility towards Guru he attain element of Guru, he no more remain follower and detached self from material world. Responsibility of Guru is well-being of devotee or liberation of devotee if he lack in this then devotee is subject to slavery.
Water and mud make body clean, and mercy, forgiveness and generosity make mind internally pure.
One who does not deviate from his determination and goal is of stable mind. The affection with material-joy and accumulation deviate the human. The extend devotee have belief on saints and scriptures he will attend stability or concentration on that extend.
When you repeatedly bring your mind on focus from deviation the freckleness ceases and when human is unattached from material world his worldly resolution also ceases and mind and thought is totally under control. Please refer (6/26) on how to disciplined mind?
Detachment from the subject or senses of nerves, lack of “I-am” feeling, regularly converse on grief and imperfection in birth-death, old-age, disease and material-joy. (Bhagwat-Gita: 13/8)
Human shall maintain relation with the subject or senses of nerves only for caring for life he should not have affection or attachment with senses for worldly and heavenly joy. Many rich, brave and king etc., had enjoyed world excessively but ultimately reached to old age become weak and left the world empty hand. Material joy only land onto worry and distressing and deviation from realization of element of divine ultimately end with rebirth.
The feeling of “I-am” create proud and bonding with body, name, function or deed, material, prestige, knowledge, charity, territory, time etc., and invite rebirth in various low-higher body (Bhagwat-Gita: 13/21). Identifying with own body-form cause proud and bonding.
One who born one day die, leaving everything behind only Divine-God remain with him. Everyone reach old age, feel helpless, force to abandon many of his works, he may not command same respect in family and society as when he was a beard earner. Old age also become home of diseases make human more vulnerable and helpless.
Human shall revisit time and again the sad form birth-death, old-age, disease and material-joy. This will help to diminish his affection with body, abolish proud and motivate him to realize element of Divine to get liberate from birth-death cycle.