Human need sleep to get relax and regain energy, but in material consciousness human forget to sleep and in ignorance enjoy over sleeping which make human dull and unconscious. Attachment with material world does not allow human to take rest or sleep, but divine conscious human unattached from material world enjoy rest or lack disturbance in leading aware life. They in sleep also remember Divine-God.

Sankumar S
3 min readMar 30, 2021


That happiness which is derived from contact of nerves with senses, though feel like nectar during consumption, however in impact is like poison is said to be “Rajash” materialistic obsessed happiness. (Bhagavad-Gita: 18/38)

Whatever be the experiences of sensual pleasure in mortal material consumption the affection attached cause rebirth and make life worst than poison.

Materialistic human under the influence of Maya use or get indulge in many activities like, gambling, smoking, drinking and women etc. with the impression that he will enjoy the world or will attend royal experiences but very soon after the activities are finished he realized that the sustainable joy or royal experiences which he wanted to attend he did not received and he has simply wasted the money instead if he would have spend the amount in other productive means he would have better off. Also consuming many objects in the beginning human derive mare satisfaction and return from the expenditure but slowly he is fed up with repetition and law of diminishing return operate.

The attachment in material-joy and accumulation cause bonding and rebirth, to waste opportunity of liberation from birth-death cycle from the present attended human body is like poison, for experiencing worst rebirth, life after life due to ignorance and bonding develop in present life. The downfall due to bonding is immense, like consuming poison and spoiling the golden chance of liberation for ever from birth-death cycle.

“Rajash” materialistic obsessed happiness is worst that consuming poison because poison cause death once only whereas “Rajash” materialistic obsessed happiness cause several time rebirths in lower species and even hell also.

That happiness created from sleep, laziness and illusion or futile efforts, which put into unconsciousness is called “Tamsh” demoniac or nature of ignorance (Bhagavad-Gita: 18/39)

The human who live in pleasure of over-sleeping, laziness and for whom everything is illusion, he in unconscious mind enjoys happiness from beginning to end of every abortive moment and deed of life.

When affection increases obsession increases and suppress the intelligence, in lack of awareness human become ignorance and enjoy over-sleeping, laziness and illusion. They in unconscious mind prefer to enjoy time in wasting and for that reason postpone responsible deed which cause misery and source of sorrow. These in over a period of time make nerves-mind-body of human completely dull and he keep on wasting time and energy in futile thought and function.

Human in illusion become careless perform improper or incomplete deeds and consciously or unconsciously commit sin for futile pleasure. When human intelligence is suppressed then he starts enjoying illusion.

Human need sleep to get relax and regain energy, but in material consciousness human forget to sleep and in ignorance enjoy over sleeping which make human dull and unconscious. Attachment with material world does not allow human to take rest or sleep, but divine conscious human unattached from material world enjoy rest or lack disturbance in leading aware life. They in sleep also remember Divine-God.

The over sleeping is less danger to laziness, and laziness is less danger than illusion and all are bonding in nature. Illusion motivate to perform prohibited deed causing rebirth, laziness dilute good nature of human, over-sleeping make human dull may cause rebirth in tree or plant. All deviate human from performing responsible deed and make adulterous, cause for hell.

The “Tamsh” happiness is from beginning to end or throughout obsession in nature. Unconscious human does not bother about the result of enjoying such happiness.

When human disregard rational intelligence, or brain power and develop bonding with nature it produces affection. When intelligence becomes aware affection ceases, then human is liberated. Human due to this affection love nature and sensual borne pleasure. When human like to enjoy divine happiness than abandoning these materialistic and illusive happiness. But when affection ceases happiness become like nectar.



Sankumar S
Sankumar S

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