Honorable Vaniya Sanjay (Rinku ) Bernawal, brother of Bernawal IAS and Principle Secretary of Government of Raghubar Das, Jharkhand, India has been selected as a benificiry for Government of Japan Project at Bodh-Gaya. According to Mr. Deepak the shop of Rinku do one of the highest business in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India. According to Honorable Vaniya Ranjeet Saw there is credit of Rs.50,00,000.00 of Rinku to the various resturents of Bodh-Gaya. According to Gopal Saw Rinku is one of the richest business man of Bodh-Gaya.
Please tell me who are You in aggressive form? O best among the Gods! Kindly accept my Greetings! You be calm and happy. Specially I want to know “Adiroop”creator-form because I do not know your nature and function. (Bhagwat-Gita; 11/31)
Divine-God was appearing in Divine-Form and also in extreme aggressive form, therefore Arjuna is asking to Divine-God “Who are You appearing in such forms?”. The Divine-God was licking the creatures and swallowing them, viewing such terrible form of Divine-God and entire world within Arjuna became frightened and with folded hand out of curiosity , he is praying that he is not able to understand such forms therefore O best of all God! please be happy and make him understand the forms of Divine.
The first appearance of Divine-God was in form of world. Therefore, Arjuna is calling Divine-God “Adinarayan” creator of world and sharing his inability to understand Divine-Forms and requesting to share why Divine-God has appear? The warriors of pandua as well as of Korauvs were entering inside the mouth of Divine-God, therefore What Divine-God want? What is the nature and function of Divine-God?
Arjuna has viewed entire worlds within one part of body of Divine-God, which denote Divine-God is everywhere and beyond the three worlds.
Bihari pedal chalne me hai mahir vaniya ure innova aur fortune me
Honorable Vaniya Sanjay (Rinku ) Bernawal, brother of Bernawal IAS and Principle Secretary of Government of Raghubar Das, Jharkhand, India has been selected as a beneficiary for Government of Japan Project at Bodh-Gaya. According to Mr. Deepak the shop of Rinku do one of the highest business in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India. According to Honorable Vaniya Ranjeet Saw there is credit of Rs.50,00,000.00 of Rinku to the various restaurants of Bodh-Gaya. According to Mr. Gopal Saw Rinku is one of the richest business man of Bodh-Gaya.
Honorable Vaniya Manoj Saw, brother of Ranjeet Saw Chief Functionaries of NICDA-NICCO and Binay Saw a wholesaler of Government of Japan have been selected as a beneficiary of Government of Japan. Manoj Saw owner of Lucky Guest house and leader of BJP and his wife are both ward commissioner of Bodh-Gaya. According to Gopal Saw , Manoj Saw has spend Rs. 40,00,000.00 in election.
The powerful and rich honorable vaniyas have been selected as beneficiaries of Government of Japan by the vaniya-brothers who are representatives of Government of Japan under the protection of Bihar Police, is a example of castism and matter of great concern and debate.
When new BDO of Bodh-Gaya, Bihar, India asked Honorable vaniya Ranjeet Saw brother of Honorable vaniya Binay Saw( wholesaler of Government of Japan) to share the quotation of Poly-houses , Ranjeet Saw refused to do so. Where is transparence and accountability in Government of Japan?
On few occasions I have requested Ms. Nancy Naoko Yoshida to share actual cost of construction of Eco-San toilets in compare to the budget of current and past year, but response was always negative.
Whenever I have requested to Mr. Deepak, Pogram Coordinator to kindly share on the purchase of materials for construction of Eco-San toilets and garbage management, he always said that he do not know. The NICDA-NICCO project of Government of Japan lack participation, transparency and accountability.
I have also requested to clarify on “Does feeding of project staff at every Friday is budgeted, if so then why it is irregular? Then How Bihar Police is eating the meal of project staff of NICDA_NICCO? How Mr. Yoshi-Norikane was providing meal to NICDA-NICCO staff at every Friday?
How much Government of Japan is paying monthly rent to mother of honorable Vaniya Ranjeet Saw for office at R K Guest House, Bodh, Gaya, Bihar, India? Why project office is at Guest House of vaniya under the protection of Bihar Police? Why Office is not in a house of other caste in a cheaper rate? Why there is so rush in a staff table? Why every staff do not have separate table in office of NICDA-NICCO?
Why Government of Japan is hiring vehicles from honorable Vaniya Ajay Saw who is a donor and husband of Ms. Nancy Naoko Yoshida and from brother of honorable vaniya Binay-Saw and Ranjeet Saw under the protection of Bihar Police? Why other castes have been neglected?
What is the salary of honorable vaniya and ordinary Hindu in the project of NICDA-NICCO of Government of Japan?
I have been objecting to the practices and policies of NICDA-NICCO and Government of Japan therefore on the order of Banay Saw I was bitten by Ranjeet Saw and Manish Saw both relative of Binay Saw and forcefully evacuated from Bodh-Gaya on 13/09/2020 evening under the protection of Bihar Police.
May God investigate the case and eliminate all those countries promoting vaniya bazar.