Fuilfilment of one desire produces multiple desires, entire materials of world can not fulfill desire of human. Therefore, it is best to abondon desire to attend sustainable peace. Actually fuilfillment of desire does not create happiness. When human feel scarcity of any material and feel sad and develop desire and bonding for that, he feel happly in achiving that material and eliminate his own assumtion of scarcity. If already he does not develop desire for any material, he will not feel happy in realising it and sad on loosing it.

Sankumar S
3 min readJan 21, 2021


Who is unattach from honor and attraction, who has won the abnormalities casue by affection, who consciously is always with Divine-God, whose desire has competely ceases, they highly knowledgeable human free from the conflict of happy-sorrow attend that immortal devine-path. (Bhagwat-Gita: 15/05)

The desire of honor, respect etc., develop by the feeling of “I-am”with body. The devotee who has relation with only Divine-God does not have any feeling of belonginess with his own body therefore he does not become happy with the honour-respect treatment of body. When devotee has only union with Divine-God his bonding with body-nature break and does not have affection with material-world.

Love is attraction towards Divine-God and addiction is attachment with material-world. The abnormality of affection, expectation and sexual-desire are cause of addiction. When human is consciosly in union with only Divine-God he lack affection with material-joy and win the abnormalitis caused by affection-hate.

When human take shelter of only Divine-God his conscious change and become of divine conscious. When human change his relation and feel that “he belong to Divine-God, and Divine-God belong to him, he does not belogn to material-world, and material world does not belong to him” then consciously he remain with element of Divine. The devotee who consider his relation with only Divine-God he live always in divine conscious.

Whose mission and aim is material-world he has desires for material, situation and creature etc. However, those who does not have aim of material-joy they are competly free from desires.

Affection with body create desire. Devotee feel that nerve-mind-body belong to Divine-God, except Divine-God nothing belong to him, this thought burn all the desire and he is unattached.

Actually soul-form is constantly maving away from body-matter it is only mattere of regognising it. Every moment decaing body end at death. Therefore, human shall not assume body-matter as stable and develop relation with them assuming it will sustain and benefit from it will be forever.

Fuilfilment of one desire produces multiple desires, entire materials of world can not fulfill desire of human. Therefore, it is best to abondon desire to attend sustainable peace. Actually fuilfillment of desire does not create happiness. When human feel scarcity of any material and feel sad and develop desire and bonding for that, he feel happly in achiving that material and eliminate his own assumtion of scarcity. If already he does not develop desire for any material, he will not feel happy in realising it and sad on loosing it.

Divine-conscious human always remain in union with Spirit he never give important to favorable and unfovarable is free from the conflict of happy-sorrow, pleasure-pain and affection-hate etc. To eleminate the unevenmess devotee shall abondon the assume importance of mortal material. As long as there is bonding internally in the mind of human with matetrial-world he expriences these conflict. As long as human is ignorant he live with conflict.

Deriving happy-sorrow from coming-going material is ignorance. He who is unaffected from happy-sorrow is eligible for liberation Bhagwat-Gita: 02/15). Therefore Divine-God has advised two times in this stanza to abandon ignorance and bonding.

