Arjuna had very well explained the glories of Divine-God that no one is equal to Him then no question arises that anyone will be above than Him (11/43), therefore one exist superior than Divine-God who can force or compel the Divine-God for anything. In other words on one has authority over the Divine-God.
The way you will have witnessed Me, I am not available to see in this form by Vedas, worship, meditation, alms and yagnas etc. (Bhagwat-Gita: 11/53)
Arjuna witnesses the divine-form due to the kindness of Divine-God. No one is eligible or capable or right to view the form of Divine-God it is His mercy only that He show His form to anybody.
Arjuna had very well explained the glories of Divine-God that no one is equal to Him then no question arises that anyone will be above than Him (11/43), therefore one exist superior than Divine-God who can force or compel the Divine-God for anything. In other words on one has authority over the Divine-God.
The entire planate is created merely with the resolution of Divine-God and planet exist in merely one part of the body of Divine then how He can be bought or control or direct or access by Vedas, worship, meditation, alms and yagnas etc.
As long as human is internally bonded with objects of nature, ability, force, intelligence, etc. and give importance and depend on them he is not able to view the Divine-God though Divine-God is very near to him. When human realize that he does not have any independent sovereignty, have no proud of his possession and he completely dedicate his capability, resources, time, intelligence and move with sole aim of realization of element of divine he not only realize divine spirit but also merge with Him and get liberation from birth and death cycle.
Four veils hide God from us; solid, liquid, gases, and light. Lift those veils and find God everywhere, in everythings.S.6_L.155